Handhandhand Festival Candles
To celebrate the New Year of ox, Handhandhand collaborated with Dutch artist Xaviera Altena to create three illustrations for the 20/21 holiday season. They jointly launched three new limited scented candle series, that extends the sense of ritual into every corner of life, opening a delicate olfactory journey.
The illustrations shows a signature style of Xaviera. In addition to using her iconic bold lines and bright colors, the three graphics designed for handhandhand made good wishes for the 20/21 holiday season. A brand new journey to find incense and adventure.
当2020即将过去,迎来未知的2021。Handhandhand 携手荷兰艺术家 Xaviera Altena,为20/21年度的节日季创作三幅画作,共同推出三款全新限定香氛产品系列,包含香氛蜡烛和香包,选取木质烟灰、岩兰草、水白合三款新香,将仪式感延伸进生活的各个角落,开启一场精致的嗅觉之旅。
此次带来的三款限定,依旧保留了Xaviera的烙印,除了使用她标志性的鲜明用色,取意 handhandhand 的三位设计师之手,许下对20/21年度节日季的美好愿望,全新开启20/21寻香奇遇之旅,选购属于每个人的小幸运。